How Do I Get Involved?

Attend Meetings

Attend the quarterly craft sector meetings.

Get Info

Get all information you need from the BBCDI’s website monthly newsletters.

Get Expert Advice

Have the status of your business analyzed and get expert advice in a one-on-one session with our programme group.

Get Training

Join BBCDI training or mentoring course.

Go to Market

Take part in programmes that will improve your product and get it to the market.


Become part of the BBCDI’s register of trainers, facilitators, designers, stand builders, raw material supplier and more. Buyers can source North West product and producers on the BBCDI website or through our matchmaking service.


Become part of the BBCDI’s register of trainers, facilitators, designers, stand builders, raw material supplier and more. Buyers can source North West product and producers on the BBCDI website or through our matchmaking service.


Your interest in the BBCDI may be as a government, funder, researcher, enterprise developing institute or other partner.

Communication & Sector Promotion Programme

  • Website and newsletters, reflecting design and craft news, articles, research, events, training opportunities, and more.
  • A database of crafters, retail craft outlets and raw materials.
  • District Craft Sector meetings featuring quarterly speakers, where crafters can network and talk about their activities and needs.
  • Promotional material, advertising and craft exhibitions reflecting the wealth of Handmade in North West and aimed at growing a consumer market.
  • An Annual Platinum Province craft and Design Exhibition collection to encourage creativity and innovation as well as to rewards excellence and provide a model to which crafters can aspire.

District Outreach Programme

We are currently conceptualizing the BBCDI District Offices which will provide retail space, a corporate gift order facilitation service and a resource centre which will assist in ensuring that all crafters will have easy access to our services.

Research And Resource Development

Impact analysis, scrutinizing the work of the BBCDI, as well as research and strength analysis of the craft sector.

A Platinum Province Craft and Design Coffee table book.


Institutional Support Programmes